Friday, January 10, 2020


The heat is on for tomorrow.
All the snow melted today.

 I went to Agape this morning and it felt much better than it did last week.
 Worked around the house a little bit and got things going for dinner.
I was trading dinner for my friend Doug in exchange for him
helping me to put SongBook on my iPad.  If I can figure it out,
it will be much easier than carrying around 40 pounds of books.

So, I made gingerbread muffins....cut them in half...
put a layer of whipped cream in the middle and
a little more on the top.  Put them in the freezer.
 Also made Johnny Cake (corn bread).
 I had already made the chili
 and just had to put a salad together.


Now it's time to get back to work on my iPad.
I have to write down all the directions.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could cook half way like you!
    I took some time off CrossFit because my elbow/shoulder hurt, but got back into it this week. It sure is good to hear you are doing better!
    So after the heat wave is it going to get cold again? That is so hard on the animals!


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