Saturday, January 11, 2020

62 Degrees

What a crazy day.
It looked like this when I went out to the barn.

 We had a little sunshine and the temperature was rising...

so off came the blankets.

 Around 10:30 I drove out to Glen Darrach Farm to pick up my friend
Helen (still here from Scotland) so we could do a couple errands, have
lunch and play some music.  At that time my car said it was 62 degrees!
Our first stop was at the Chase Bank on Main Street in the village
and by then it was absolutely pouring.
I decided to take some photos through the car windows while I was waiting for Helen.

 Our next stop was Wegmans, where we picked up a thin crust cheese pizza for lunch.
 When we got home I made a quick salad.
Gary joined us and we ate the whole thing.
By 2pm it was raining so hard I put the horses back in the barn.

 Before Helen left, we had a chance to mess around with 
the ukes and sang a few songs.
 I drove her back to Glen Darrach and by 4:15 I turned the horses
back out so I could get things reset for tonight.

 All tucked in....waiting for the temperature to drop into the low 30s.

 Dinner was another instant replay,
 but this time we just had an apple on the side.
 I need to put on some PJs and get out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. With those crazy fluctuations of temperatures, it is amazing than any animal stays healthy! Uffdah!
    We are finally settling into winter here I think. Snow off and on with freezing drizzle all week. And cold.

  2. Oh those rain shots are cool! Very abstract looking!


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