Thursday, October 3, 2019

And Then There Were 5

 Wet and cold all day.  Even had to turn on the furnace.

 At 1 Doug, Lori, Tom and Nancy came over for our first rehearsal with all 5 of us.
Our goal was to come up with a song list for a distant gig while also picking music that
is similar to what we have done in the past.  It's going to be fun to learn a bunch
of new songs.

Gary went to Coop's football game and I put the horses in for Karen tonight.
 The front paddock is pretty muddy.
 Apparently Rebel and the girls knew enough to get out of the rain part of the day
as they were not soaked.  Quite a drop in temperature this week.

 Gary picked up some mums at Sara's.
 He will put them in the ground tomorrow in front of the porch.

 With the leaves falling, it's getting more colorful around here.

 We had a late dinner.  Gary grilled out when he got home

 and we didn't eat until 8.
We have been out of our groove for weeks.

Night all.


  1. I get that out of 'groove' thing. With daylight changing it is hard to get everything done that you want to. Plus you are busy as all get out! I have been thinking of mums too but there is supposed to be a frost tonight. I may just let it go and start cleaning flower beds.

  2. Dear Lori, I hope when the 5 of you pick your songs and start to practice you will post videos of that so that we can hear the songs and your voices. It's wonderful that you are all doing this and bringing joy and remembrance to others. Probably also clapping hands and stomping feet! Peace.

  3. You were singing one of my favorite songs! It sounds great!


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