Friday, September 6, 2019

First Friday

A gorgeous day with rain arriving around 5pm.

 After chores I made a quick run to Brockport to get a couple of nice cases for our new phones
which are finally working.
At 10, Ted S. arrived with 52 more bales of hay....

 which we unloaded and stacked in about 10 minutes.
It is beautiful....soft and green 2nd cutting grass.

 After that I dragged the indoor

 and did a little mowing.  Tomorrow I will do the rest of the lawn.

 I don't remember ever having so many zinnias!
They are huge and beautiful.

 We took it easy this afternoon and at 4, went down to First Friday at the
College President's home.

 As usual, there was a big crowd....with many familiar faces.

Always a good time, spent with very gracious hosts.

 No plans for dinner.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Zinnias! I adore them, one of my favorite flowers next to 4 o'clocks. Both are blooming like mad right now next to the porch and I am collecting seeds to replant for next year.
    September has moved in with cooler night and warm days.


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