Sunday, August 11, 2019

Yes, It Was A VERY Long Day.....

A very beautiful morning.
We have been able to leave the windows open for almost a week.
Cool nights and sunny days.

 I hurried through chores and was in the house with enough time to 
grab a shower.
 Lori S. picked me up at 9 and we were fortunate to find a parking place very close 
to the spot where we were playing at the Farm Market.
There is always so much equipment to unload for the four of us.
 Because the Arts Festival was taking place, there was going to be a lot of activity on Main Street.
Over a two day period, thousands of people show up for some shopping.
Annie and David were there early.

 I have not gotten a count of the number of vendors....many......
We got there before it opened, so it was possible to take a quick look around 
before She Sings had to start playing.

 Gary left home at 7:15 and worked at the Kiwanis food both until noon.

 Karen and many other candidates were at the Market.
 Fortunately our favorite bass player was there to set up and check our sound.
 Jess and JW were there.  Are they cuties or what?
 Tina stopped over to see Doug.  She is so good about wearing our shirt when she goes out.

 Theresa (running for Town Supervisor in Clarkson) was in a voter registration
booth near us and came over to compliment us on one of our songs that
she loves.....Sylvie.
 Mike Dollinger (running for County Court Judge) and Cindy Underwood stopped by.
He was surprised to see me there singing.
I had fun taking photos of all the politicos between songs.

 We stopped playing at noon and I hustled over to the Welcome Center where
the Westside Dems were having a photo shoot.
 Jackie is always very animated when she gets one of our shirts on.

 I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support we get from all these people.
The good news!  They are all about community!

 We had a professional photographer taking the "real" photos.  I had to trade him (Richard B.)
some of Gary's garlic!  Eventually you will see them.

Home around 1:30....totally pooped.
Little Wonder and Phoebe needed some company .

 We were home until 4 and then went down to Jenny's to celebrate
Scott's mother's birthday.  He and Jen put together a spectacular picnic.
 Donna's birthday cake was from Jackson's Bakery.  Delicious.

 We sent her home with some zinnias.
 When we left, Gary asked for a photo of him with Scott.
This is a keeper.
 Home just before 7 and went out to do evening chores.
I'm going to sleep well tonight!

 Got the girls tucked in and finally got dragged my butt back to the house.

 Good light.....
Night all.

My Doo Wop song of the night....


  1. A mighty long day, and I almost missed the music as I admire that bright pink flower.

  2. You don't stay still for very long I imagine! Wow, you sure are one busy lady!


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