Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What Happened to All the Pictures?

 Too busy.

What was I doing?
Country Max.

(which was the highlight of my day)

We have decided to expand our group
Now it will be Lori St., Nancy B., Tom B., Doug G. and me.
Lori, Nancy and I started this, then Doug joined us with his bass.
Now Tom (he and Doug are pros) is on board and he is going to
add such fullness with his guitar playing and voice.

Our practice session was very productive.
We are preparing to perform at the Harvest Festival in about three weeks,
then we will start adding all kinds of new music as we get ready for a
big gig that is months away.
I'm so glad I got into this.  Such fun and I am learning a LOT.
Who knew?????

Night all.


  1. Sounds like a busy day. I'm sure the band sounds great!

  2. Nice shots! And good luck with your gig.

  3. Dear Lori, isn't it wonderful and such a blessing to have a passion. This one of yours--your music--is fairly recent it seems, but you are one of the fortunate ones who have several passions in life. It's going to keep you young at heart! Peace.

  4. That is neat more singing!
    Oh the haircut? I've been putting mine off tooooo long!
    Thanks for reminding me!


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