Tuesday, August 27, 2019


I've been doing these chores since 1981 when we moved to our farm.
For 1 year before that I drove out to Hamlin every single day to visit
our first two horses who were boarded on Lawton Road at Wolff's Farm.

 Little Wonder
 and Phoebe
 can't wait to see who is coming to class on Tuesdays.

 I got cleaned up before my students arrived so I could get down to
Brockport by 12:30.  Jenny was treating me to a birthday lunch.
I had to park at the Welcome Center as there were no spots on Main Street.
Gary was there with Kathy K. from Sara's and they were putting in the 
pollinator plants that finally arrived.

 When he finished, he joined us for lunch.
 Thank you Jenny!  You made my day very special.
(notice I am up a step and she is still towering over me with those high shoes)
 Afterward, I needed a nap (but did not have time for one).

 From there, I went over to the Library.
 A couple of us saw a video from England that inspired us.
Here, we have something called "Brockport Rocks."  Children and
adults paint rocks and hide them for others to find.  They have ended
up all over the place....as far as Florida.  People take pictures of them
and post them on the "Brockport Rocks" FB page, then they hide 
them for others to find.
In England, they do this with books!  So, 4 of us got together and
we are going to start "Brockport Reads."  We put 60 books in plastic
bags with a message (glad you found this book....read, share, hide,
post pictures....the real message is much longer than this).  Anyway,
when we launch this, we are going to put the word out and hang 20 books 
from a tree in Sagawa Park, where children can take one.
After they are read, we hope they will hide them for others to find.

 I wonder if this is going to work?????

Tonight we had a Town Board meeting.
When I got home, all I could eat was shredded wheat topped with
our strawberries.

Night all.


Thank you Madonna!
You never forget my birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Lori. Height, I have shrunk and when I last had an MRI scan, the lady took my height.I really thought it was wrong. I stand on a step for me to be even then a little shorter than our daughters and as for Grandson, I get two rungs up the Step Ladder and still fall short!!!Looks like the sun was shining and you had a great time.

  2. Happy Birthday Lori!!! We all here hope you had a wonderful day of celebrating your big day. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. We loved them all. Have a beautiful rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  3. Happy Birthday Lori! I had the same thought last month on my birthday...when did I get so old! Looks like you had a great day.

    I really like the idea of the books. That should be fun for everyone. Good luck with it.

  4. Oh, getting old? I only feel old for the first 10 steps every morning.
    The rocks are here too. I found a beautiful one when hiking this spring, it was shaped like an egg so I left it alone at first. The rocks in my region are not smooth at all.
    The book idea sounds fun too.


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