Saturday, July 6, 2019

Picnic in the Studio

Another hot and VERY muggy day.

 We had two downpours this afternoon so all the gardens were well watered for a change.
In total, about 15 minutes.

 We invited Topper and Carol to join us for dinner along with Jenny, Scott and the kids.
Ariana and I made a quick trip to Wegmans and decided to set things up in the Studio
where there was air conditioning.  Of course the house was still like a hot box.
 Before everyone arrived I quickly tucked in the girls.

 Fortunately it was nice and cool by the time we ate dinner.
 It felt good out we were in a restaurant.


 After everyone left I went out to check on the horses and gave them some carrots.
Fortunately, some of the humidity was disappearing.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. the last photos with some of the last daylight, lovely. Great meal in the studio, love that desert!!! ( Can you tell my favourites are always the sweet treats).


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