Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sweet Sounds

What a beautiful sunrise....
 After chores I grabbed and groomed Rebel,
 as Karen agreed to ride him.  He has been on vacation for months, had the injury on his pastern 
and then pulled something and has been gimpy on his hind right.
 It was time to see if he is ready for some work.

He was a perfect gentleman.
Unfortunately he was not totally sound, so he was not ridden for long. 
But what a trooper.


 I am really going to miss this beautiful boy.

 When we were finished
I gave him another massage with liniment.

 Then it was Berlin's turn for a good grooming.

 Just before I was ready to leave for our jam we had thunder, lightning, wind and a
monsoon blew through.  So....I put the horses in and left.  
The temperature reached 83 
and it was very humid.  

This afternoon Ian and his wife were both at the Gallery and I want to share some
of their beautiful music.

I could easily listen to them all day long.

Of course the sun came out while I was gone and the horses were turned out
as soon as I got home.

 Gary has been busting his butt in the gardens for days.

 Does this mushroom look familiar to anyone???
 It was noticed by a visitor that stopped by to bring us
 a pie.  Her name is Jen Rae, a Farmer Flower Designer
and Gary has supplied her with many glass jars.  I am totally impressed!
She lives nearby and has an amazing site via Instagram.
 I had chore duty tonight.
 Rebel and the girls had plenty of hay today.

 The wind kicked in as we were going back to the house.

 The other day our friend Judy brought us delicious sausage which
we had for dinner tonight with peppers, onions and a side of
leftover pasta salad.
You know we had to end the meal with the apple pie.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. That mushroom is a morel!
    I hunt them all May and eat some and dry some for soups and stews for the winter. They are prized around here and can be sold for a lot of money per pound.


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