Saturday, May 18, 2019


Sunshine all day long.

 After chores I got cleaned up and went down to the Canal for 
"Low Bridge High Water."
The opening of the Canal for the season.
Gary was down there with 
 Nick and Sarah selling pollinator plants provided by Sara's (where Gary works).
They are working on a project to put them at the Welcome Center and along the canal.

In the meantime, my friends were setting up as they were the entertainment.
Dusty Road.
 I helped them with their sound checks and took a lot of videos.

 A new sign was unveiled
 and over 100 4th graders participated in a poster contest.

 We got home a little before 3 and Gary continued working on the gardens.

Before we knew it, it was time to head out to Batavia for a Fundraising Dinner
 Oak Orchard was a sponsor and filled 3 tables

 250 people were in attendance....a very impressive turnout.

A Las Vegas variety show was presented my Jimmy Mazz.
I had no idea what to expect, but it turned out to be great.
It was 90 minutes long and I knew the words to every song.
The audience sang along on most of them.
I took a lot of videos, but I'm out of gas and don't have the energy
to post anymore.

Night all.

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