Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Everything At Once....

A very beautiful and crisp morning.

 It was too cold for me to hold class in the Studio as
my little heater would not be able to do the job before 10:30.
At 8:30, Big Ash showed up to clean the chimney for our wood burning stove in the kitchen and they were still here when my class arrived!

 Tina brought Loki and he played with Little Wonder the whole time.
 They got along very well.

 After class I made a salad for lunch and crashed.
I'm still doing steamers and taking a couple of decongestants in the afternoon.
I just wanted to take a nap.

I had a 4pm meeting at the Town Hall and our regular meeting at 6.
Home by 7!  What a break.
My calendar is empty for the next 3 days.
Big yipeeeee!
Night all.


  1. Beautiful photos of the paddock, the picket fence and the doggies all enjoying a lovely day.

  2. I’m loving the crisp mornings lately. Good to hear you have a few free days, try and take it easy and get better!


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