Thursday, July 5, 2018

Summer Serenades

Too hot and muggy to open the windows last night so it was not my favorite start to the day.  
At least there were some beautiful blossoms that greeted me out on the porch.

Remember that dump truck of wood chips that was delivered last night?
I put in a few loads, Karen did more
 and this morning I finished moving it.
The run-in is now level and gorgeous.
Of course all the animals were about as thrilled as I was with the temperature.
Yesterday we hit 96.

I was filthy when I got back in the house.  Covered with dirt and my clothes were soaked as I kept putting water on my body as I was moving the chips.  By 10am I had already taken 10,000 steps.  After taking a shower I went down to Wegmans and cooled off in the air conditioning.
Gary pulled more garlic, got cleaned up and went down to the Welcome Center.
This was the first night for Summer Serenades.
Marc Berger was the opener

and he was accompanied by Rick, who was an outstanding musician (as you will hear)!
They both live in Ithaca and all of the songs they sang were written by Marc.
Most of them are part of this CD.

We had a first tonight.  This young woman decided to go for a swim in the canal.
(Not the best place to go swimming).  She kept going back and forth behind the performers and 

The audience could not believe it!  Imagine doing his during a performance!
Some of my jam pals were there tonight.
 Before the concert ended, we had our second wonderful experience.
This man started up his motorcycle, revved it up and put on his radio as loud as it would go....during a balled being sung by Marc.
Gary approached him and asked him to turn off the music.  It could have gotten ugly.
What is wrong with people today?
The music was great, there was a breeze and the rain that may be on the way held off.

 I'm sorry Marc and Rick had these two distractions. 
They were real pros.
Night all.


  1. Just testing the waters, she might say. ( Did she had swimming togs on or clothes?) and the biker, " I had to make sure the revs were right!!" Wonderful music, a great place, I am sure they all enjoyed and appreciated every minute.

  2. People these days only seem to care about themselves and haven’t got much consideration for others. The “all about me” generation. Hope this weather stops soon, it’s getting old!


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