Friday, July 27, 2018

A Lazy Day...

Not quite as hot today.
The grass is starting to come back and if we get a couple more days of rain
it might look green again.

 Tom Root...this one is for you.  Gary is planting 50 feet of beets in the 
spot where he pulled out the garlic.

 Another new, gigantic hibiscus blossom appeared this morning.

 I watched a movie, took a nap and did not cook dinner.
Night all.

Topper sent these photos today (that were taken at Lake Ontario yesterday).

Here's a photo of Little Wonder and his brother Bug taken one year ago.


  1. Stunning family photos. p.s.not to hurt the animals, they are lovely too. A friend who visits says to one cat when I fuss so much over the latest boy Basil," Never mind Boris, I love you too".

  2. What kind of beets did he plant? Sugar beets or the garden variety of eatable beets? Just curious!
    Love the photo of LW and his brother!


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