Friday, April 6, 2018

More Snow and The Portrait...

 Not too happy with the weather, and more cold is on the way.

 Another blossom arrived this morning and many more are on the way.

 I'm betting that these two will open by Sunday.

 Gary went to a conference in Batavia and I plunked myself down with a kindle
and a fire.  I'm on another new book and must have fallen asleep at least 3 times.
 Dinner was leftover chicken/lemon/rice soup.  
I could eat this at least once a week.

At 7 Gary and I drove down to A Different Path Gallery for an art opening.

*****THE PORTRAIT*****

 Here are some of the entrants.

 This painting of a cat won best in show.

Another excellent show.
Night all.


  1. We had snow too but it melted. Raining now. Lovely portraits.

  2. Wow what a great show! I was outside this morning with Charlie before sunrise and it was 14 degrees! Chilly but HE was invigorated!
    I think next week we are going to get some warmer temperatures.

  3. The talent at the show is truly enviable! Wow!

    Finally like everyone, I'm so done with the snow and cold. But I could find comfort in a hearty bowl of soup like you enjoyed. Stay warm!


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