Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Shirt Factory

No snow.  No rain.

Once again the sun put a spotlight in the kitchen before heading to the barn.
 Karen fed the girls and I went out to clean my stalls after they were turned out.

I met with a couple friends for coffee and at noon Gary and I decided to drive out to Medina
to have lunch
 at the Shirt Factory.

 Our friends Alix and Scott are the new owners, partnering with Alix's 
sister and brother-in-law.  We had a great time discussing the plans they have
for the interior and would love to pitch in and help.

 We both had sandwiches that were delicious.
 Medina's Main Street is so small town classic!

 We got back to the farm around 2 and it was still nice and quiet outside.
 This coming week we are going to have three days in the 60s and I can't wait.

 The pups and I went out for chore duty tonight.

 It's so much nicer when the weather is not crazy.

 Phoebe has the right idea.
Night all.


  1. And there on the wall is an original shirt pattern.I wonder how many were cut and sewn there, I can see this will be a huge success with the new faces. Enjoy the better weather.

  2. Phoebe does have the right idea! 60’s would be nice. Right now we’re having a snowstorm 6-8 inches tonight into tomorrow. Can’t wait for the warmer temps.

  3. SO happy you came out to Medina - and love your input!! Let's get started, shall we?? :)


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