Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dining With Roger and Tina...

This morning it was back....

 Just a dusting, and the temperature ended up at 40.

 We were temporarily locked out of our Sunday Jam.

16 of us were there today. 

 More new songs and lots of sound.

 Katherine Weston (the gallery owner) and two of her friends had a
Madhatters art exhibition going on...I'll have to take more pictures.
A very unique show!

 Most of the snow was gone by the time I got back to the farm.

 Little Wonder and Phoebe joined me for evening chores and
We went out a few minutes early, as Roger called and invited us go out to dinner.

 Once again...the light was beautiful.

 By the time the girls were tucked in, the sunset was the most beautiful part of the day.

 We picked up Roger and Tina around 6 and were off to Grampa Sam's

 for a great


 Thank you Roger!  We really enjoyed it.
I can't leave off Duffy.
We said "hello" to him before we headed home.

Night all.


  1. What a full and another fun day! But do you ever slow down? :-) Our snow was a non event and was already melting by the early hours of Sunday. I'm still hopeful for at least one.

  2. Loved your Sunday jam sounds. I'm off to Palm Springs for a big ukulele festival - called Palm Strings!


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