Friday, February 2, 2018


When I woke up it looked like there was fog down to the ground
and it was below 0 with the windchill.
 By the time the girls were put outside for their hay, it was snowing and blowing.

 Phoebe never made it out to the barn...way too cold for her.

 When Gary got back from Java, he dumped the wheel barrow and put
shavings and grain into the feed room for me.
 When we got back to the house, 
Phoebe met us at the door and wanted to go back out for about 60 seconds.
Her ears were blowin' in the wind.

 It was much more comfortable inside.

 I made myself go to Agape and am glad I went.
Need to get back in my groove.
 Of course the ride home was full of wind gusts.

 Can  you believe it?  My Bird of Paradise has not hatched yet!
This has turned into a very long process.

 Gary went to Finn's basketball game at 4:30,
and when he got back to the farm we decided to go down to  Barber's for a burger.
 The place was jumpin'.

 I finally got a photo of these two together!
Always nice to see Linda and Mark.
Night all.


  1. Snowing and windy here too. Frigid temps due tonight. I’m with Phoebe, stay in and take it easy!

  2. It snowed yesterday and the winds are coming in today to blow it around. We are supposed to have wicked wind chills tonight and tomorrow morning. Ugh. I would like just a decent winter's day for once!


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