Thursday, February 1, 2018


A little warmer this morning.

 Both dogs managed to stick with me until chores were finished.

 The sun was very strong as it came through the kitchen windows and
I grabbed another special shot.  Once again....light made all the difference.
 While I was busy working on my computer (avoiding going to Agape), the temperature 
went up to the mid 40s and the snow started to melt.

 Other than going to the bank and Wegmans, I accomplished very little this afternoon.
Two more hibiscus blossoms appeared.

 At 6 I arrived at Salmon Creek Country Club for the 
Greater Brockport Chamber of Commerce 
Annual Awards Dinner.

 I sat with the Mayor and three of the Village Trustees.
 The turnout was excellent and I'm sure the Chamber was pleased.
 Home by 8:30, ready to crash.
Night all.


  1. Dear Lori, you do have busy days. Even those like this one about which you just posted, seem busy to me! Peace.

  2. Dear Lori, you do keep so busy! I know that you called this day about which you posted one that wasn't so busy, but believe me it seems busy to me. I get so little done each day, and at the end of the day I wonder where the time went, but I'm going with the flow and letting it ease me into a more structured routine. I'll never achieve your routine, but I'll be happy just to do a few things a day! Peace.


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