Thursday, January 25, 2018

Empowerment for Women

We caught a break this morning....sunshine and NO WIND!

 At 8:45 Mary picked me up and we drove into Monroe Community College for the
"Council on Women and Girls Forum."
The develop an empowerment action plan for the Finger Lakes Region.
 The guest speakers were from Gov. Cuomo's staff, Planned Parenthood, the United Way, the Susan B. Anthony Museum, American Association of University Women, our School Superintendent, 
the YWCA and more.

 They all had a lot to share about the importance of women's rights.
 Some of the stories were an embarrassment to this day and age.
This is not the time to pretend that these things do not exist.
 One of the panelists was Leslie Myers, the Superintendent of the 
Brockport Central School District.
 99% of the audience was made up of women.
 The panelists brought a lot to the table.
"Step Up!"  "The importance of women's rights." "You can't be what you can't see."
"Wrap around services for people who have a crisis in their lives and are able
to move forward."  "Become a spark." "Stand against racism. "Equal pay for
equal work."  "Understanding poverty."  "Speak up."  "Advocate for your employees."
"It's time to deal with these issues."   "Too many turn the other way."
"Women need to be on fire."  "Society needs to work harder."  "It shouldn't be this hard."
"Everything is connected."  "It's hard to do things when you are fighting trauma,
poverty and racial issues."  "Society uses shame to keep women down."
"Be aware of history."  "Put yourself in someone else's shoes."
"Find a female to mentor."  "Use your voice and vote."
"Talk about it."   "Encourage career shadowing." 
"Want to make changes? get involved."
 In our community, I must say that the same small group of people seem to participate at any level. Most residents are not aware of what is going on and are uncomfortable speaking out at public forums.  Being informed is so important. 
This forum sure would have served as a wake up call to many who never think about these issues.

I continued listening to my latest book this afternoon.
 I can't believe how long it is taking for this Bird of Paradise to hatch!

 Skoog Farm garbage plates for dinner.
Hot dogs, baked beans and macaroni salad.
Night all.


  1. Sounds like an interesting meeting. Women need to stand together and tackle all the issues that concern them.

  2. Excellent website you have here: so much cool information!.. financial empowerment


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