Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Is This The Calm Before The Storm?

It started to rain last night and continued through the morning.
I put all the hay in bags under the shed roof.

 I lollygagged in the barn and Gary got home from Java before the pups and I
got back to the house.
 Here's where I put the second arrangement of greens.
Sweet, on that old picket gate.
 Class at 10:30.
Len was back and brought along some of the drawings
he had done in a portrait class he has been taking.

 The one below is still in progress.
He definitely has a consistent style.
 Little Wonder could not leave Shamra alone.

 Carina made our bread delivery and brought along the sweet Namomi,
who slept through the visit.

 Late afternoon I hung all the twinkie lights I took down from the kitchen windows
yesterday.  They look much more dramatic in the dark.
 Dinner was kind of wierd.  Hot dogs, deviled eggs and salad.
 Town Board workshop tonight.
On the way home I wish I could have stopped long enough to get some good shots of 
the Christmas decorations.
Night all.


  1. Swirly twirly lights, lovely, too hot here to do much at all. Will you be in line for that cold blast coming across the country?

  2. Whew...that cold blast after the rain has hit us! Brrr! What a change it was. Rain to wind and rapid cooling.
    Welcome winter cold.

  3. Love your students pictures! Very talented group of artists. Rained here all day too. Your lights look very festive.


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