Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Home Bodies.....

I always love waking up to the flowers on our kitchen table.
Once again, I could not sleep past 5am.

 The sunrise was the same as it was yesterday.
 When I walked out to the barn (by myself...way to cold for the pups)
everything looked very crispy.

 Fortunately it was not very windy yet and the girls ate in the front paddock.

 I made a late morning trip to Weggies and on the way home it was snowing, grey and windy.
By 12:30 the girls were back in the barn with some hayfeshments and warm water.
At 3:30 I let them out again for a stretch before Karen arrived to do evening chores.
 Berlin did something to her right eye last night and
it was closed and puffy when I got to the barn.  I put a hot cloth on it 3 times today and
finally found some ointment at a pharmacy.  Hopefully there will
be improvement by morning.  Could be 0 degrees tonight....or worse.
 I made a pot of sauce with meatballs as our granddaughter (weather permitting) should be arriving tomorrow and we will be joined by Jenny, Scott and the boys for dinner.
Tonight it was a replay of last night.

 I found a new book, and after this I will go back out by the fire to read.

 Phoebe and Little Wonder were quite happy to hang out inside today.

 Sidney has not gone out much either.
 Look at what popped out today....another "average Joe" hibiscus.
 Not too many can compare with the last three from another plant.

 Night all.
Looks like much of the country is much colder than normal.
Stay warm.
I really appreciate the Holiday greetings that have been sent to me.
Happy New Year to all!


  1. Well, your cold has travelled down here, a VERY unseasonal 4 Celsius this morning. Nothing like your cold , but in the middle of our summer, a bit of a shock. Do you ever skied down the side of the road? or in your paddocks? Might be a bit of fun, and no wonder the cats and others opted to stay inside.

  2. Wow such beautiful flowers in the midst of winter chills! Is Berlin okay this morning?
    Frigid here...but we are having a mild reprieve so it can snow and then back into the arctic freeze.
    Perfect for ice hiking.

    1. Good Morning Val! I am happy to say that Berlin's eye was pretty much back to normal when I fed this morning. So grateful!

  3. Glad to hear Berlin’s eye is healing. So cold here too with no end in sight. Single digits and some below zeroes just for fun.


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