Thursday, December 7, 2017

Coop's Concert...

Not the most beautiful morning.

 After chores I took a quick shower and drove in to the village for a meeting that didn't happen.
Long story....
On the way home I picked up a paper for Gary at Wegmans.
He is doing very well, and has had many phone calls
as well as a nice long visit with our friend Topper.  He has also gotten a lot of attention on FB!

 While Gary and the pups snoozed by the fire, I gave in and took a nap too.
Dinner was leftovers from last night....instant replay.
 At 6:30 I drove down to the High School to meet Jenny and watch Coop's
Holiday Concert.  It was standing room only and I was happy to have a seat.
 All of the participants were 7th and 8th graders.  Cooper started playing the trumpet in the 4th grade.

The orchestra performed first.
Then the chorus sang.
I could not be more impressed by the number of kids who want to participate in these groups!
Music is in!
Coop's band was up next.
Last  year they were great and this year, even better!

The grand finale was all the groups together.
The End...
Home now and ready to get out by the fire with my book.
Night all.
Good job Cooper!


  1. " Joy to the World" beautiful, and snow to start your day. Thanks so much for sharing family time with us, I do so enjoy it all. Gary, rest up and heal well.


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