Saturday, September 9, 2017

Felt Like Fall Today...

 After chores I took a little break, then started mowing.  Lots of dew.
 Usually I do the lawn and mow around the outside of the pastures.  This was my view.

 Most of the gardens are fading, but we still have a lot of color.

 After letting 2 Rambo sheets get rained on a couple of times (on the fence after I hosed them) I threw them in the washing machine and let them dry on the back porch.  It did not take long.

 Judy stopped up late afternoon and we picked her some raspberries.
Also gave her carrots, cucumbers and butternut squash.
 We decided to make a quick run down to the Bergen Family Restaurant for dinner,
before I did evening chores.

 I think the girls are loving this weather.
Night all.

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