Friday, September 8, 2017

A Fun Day Taking Pictures...

I walked out the door into sunshine and by the time the paddock gate was reached it was raining.
Fortunately it did not last long.

 After chores I drove down to Tractor Supply to pick up some beet pulp pellets.
They were selling some gorgeous mums out front.

 After lunch I grabbed a quick shower and drove down to the Rec Center to take two of our
town board candidates for a tour.
I brought along place mats and flowers....very happy to see that Judy remembered to bring 
in some books for the bookcase Gary painted.

 We had the opportunity to talk to the Tai Chi class
 and ended up watching for a few minutes.  So peaceful.
 Our last stop was the fitness center,
then we were off
to take some shots by the Welcome sign for the Town of Sweden.

 Of course I can't take serious photos all the time.
 Our last stop was the library.
 All the painted chairs I have been talking about were there to be viewed before the auction.

 The mule that was stalled at the Welcome Center is now living at the library.
 Check out the chair created by LuAnne and Kathy (two of my students).
 Home late afternoon and we had another simple supper.
A gigunda salad with a side of zucchini parm.
Time to hit the couch.
Night all.


  1. Hi Lori, what a stunning chair by your students. I love the fun photos. you are seriously community-minded; something I can relate to. Have a great day. Jo

  2. Love all the chairs. I'm sure they will be a big hit!


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