Sunday, August 13, 2017

Walnut Hill '17

A nice cool and bright morning.
I had to work fast in the barn as Tina, Brenda and I were going to head
out at 8am for Walnut Hill to do a photo shoot at the
Pleasure Drive in Mendon Ponds Park.

Before we left, Little Wonder was waiting outside the kitchen door for me,
wanting to make sure I'm going with him to the barn.

 Sidney as finally decided that dogs aren't so bad after all.

I managed to get everything done by the time Brenda arrived.  She was kind enough to drive and we got there in no time.  When we were parking her car, this bird stood there and watched...not moving, not afraid  of us.

 It was hard to find a spot to take pictures without having something in the background...
like people, dogs, cars, portajohns etc.  I only took my Canon point and shoot this time.  So much easier than going back and forth with my Power Shot.  Although there were many beautiful turn outs, this was the smallest group of participants I have ever seen there.

Don't you love that sound?

 I especially liked this pair.

 We were back at the farm by 11 so I had some time to hangout before going down to the 
Arts Festival (where our Sunday Jam Group was performing).  We had a great time but did not have the opportunity to play very many songs before the Duck Derby started.

 They had $5,000 worth of prizes this year and 2 of them were $1,000 gift certificates to Wegmans.  The first and last ducks won them.
 By the time I got home again....all I wanted to do was crash.  So I watched a couple more episodes of "Suits" and then went back out to the barn for evening chores.

 The light was beautiful.
 Night all.


  1. Great day! Beautiful horses and carts and I love the old fashioned clothing. The duck race looks like fun.

  2. You and Robin are killing me with all the Walnut Hill pics!


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