Saturday, August 12, 2017

Smith and Borowiec

What a fun day!  Even tho it rained for awhile.
 Chores as usual.

 We still have a lot of color in the blossoms every single day.
 This is the Rose bush Jenny and Scott gave us for our 50th Anniversary.  It must love
it's location as it is loaded!

 As you have probably figured, we are getting back into campaign season.
I can't tell you how much fun we are having this year.
Thursday night we were at Summer Serenades

and today we were at the Arts Festival in Brockport.
 Our goal was to have a photo shoot like we did when Mary and I ran for office (we still have two years left on our term).  If you want to see what's going on, check out our FaceBook page:
(Photo by Glen Emmerson)
We were to meet at the Morgan Manning House at noon and by 11:15 a monsoon blew through town.
Fortunately Gary was able to finding a parking spot near the house and we were smart enough to bring along a big umbrella.
Gary, Susan, her sister Brenda and I were the first to arrive and we waited on the porch wondering if the rest of the gang was going to show.

 Gradually they arrived in spite of the rain.

There was a band playing next to the porch and this is the best Gary and Rob could do
in the dancing department.
Our photographer, Richard Black, stayed out of the weather with all of his equipment
 and took photos on the porch.
 Finally it stopped raining,
 and the sun even came out.
 I could not resist asking everyone to open up their umbrellas before they left.

 This! is my favorite shot of the day.  Richard took it and said "it looks like this campaign is going to the left."  Once again, our friends came through to support Susan and Wally.  Every single one of them is committed to this community and they are invested in one way or the other.
I love days like this.
Many of us checked out the vendors when we were finished and
 the street started to fill up once again.
(by that time, another band was playing next to the Morgan Manning...great sound)

 Meanwhile back at the ranch, Gary worked on his chair for the auction and took time out to sell some garlic and rhubarb.

 This was my only purchase of the day.
A friend of Jenny's (Kristin V.) has a daughter (Jessi) who has gone into business with
her grandmother Joan (Kristin's Mom) creating garden art.
 This beautiful birdbath is now at Skoog Farm.
 Is it amazing or what????
 I absolutely could not resist!!!
 We had leftovers for dinner,
 then it was chore time again.

 Tucked the girls in and after this I am going to continue watching my new favorite 
series on Amazon..."Suits."

 Night all.


  1. What a fun day from start to finish! I can't help but smile through the photos, and am glad I've gotten the chance to stop by this evening. Take care!

  2. What a busy life you live. I love the farm photos and could sure use some of that rain . . . want to share? LOL

  3. You live a grand life. I always enjoy your adventures.


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