Saturday, June 17, 2017

Too Hot To Trot....

 Yesterday Gary bought more flowers as he is ready to start working on the gardens.

 (I'll never get tired of this combo for breakfast. 
Tomorrow we will have to pick more strawberries).
 Around 10:30 we went back to Sara's to pick up a couple more things and then stopped at Lowes to buy a porch light.  We also ended up buying a new refrigerator.
When we got back to the farm Gary started planting. 
 It's going to take awhile to get this garden back in shape.
 I took a break from the sun and watched a couple episodes of 
"House of Cards."  The fans made the house bearable.
Dinner was leftover shish-ki-bobs and carrots....added some rice and a fruit salad.
 Went out to do chores after 7:30.  Still hot and muggy.

 The humidity really brought out the bugs and the girls were ready to go in.  
Unfortunately the temperature is going to hang around the mid seventies tonight 
and that's not the greatest in the barn.

 I stood in the dog's pool for a couple minutes and neither of them were interested
in joining me.  Maybe tomorrow, when it hits 95 degrees.

 New flowers for my table.
 Night all.


  1. The gardens will be beautiful. Muggy here but not as hot as you. The bugs are miserable for the horses. I think they're happy with their fly masks at least.

  2. Here we are having an incoming migration of Painted Lady butterflies. So beautiful. old friends returning. 2005 was the last migration here. The flowers for your table are lovely and your garden will be, too. i like how you render the clematis but am not sure how you do it???

  3. I have a program (Photoshop Elements)and go to Artistic, poster edge.


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