Sunday, June 18, 2017

Another Hot One...

 The later it got....the hotter it got.

 At 9:30 I drove out to Glendarach Farm to pick up Helen as we decided to go to Tina's pool before it got too hot.  The water was a little over 82 degrees and felt great.
 While we were there, Tina brought Duffy out to see us and boy!  Has he grown.

 As per usual I had to grab a few shots of her flowers.

 Tina let Duffy go next door to play with Carol's dogs and they ran around like crazy.

 Helen decided to spend the afternoon at the farm, but first we stopped at Wegmans.
Of course Little Wonder just loves her.
 When we got back to Andrea's it was still raining so we all got a little wet.
 They were kind enough to pose for a sister shot.
 Diesel was watching from the truck, as Phoebe and Little Wonder were outside visiting Andrea.
 On the way home I was listening to NPR and storm warnings kept coming right after the other.  We ended up with a few torrential downpours, but not the 60 mph winds.  Needless to say, I put the horses in early.

 Dinner was a salad
 topped with macaroni salad.  I'll take Gary out for a Father's Day dinner 
when it's not so busy everywhere.

The temperature has now gone down by 20 degrees.
Much better.
Night all.


  1. The weather is the same here. Even Todd opts to be inside on days like today. We're hoping for some relief, maybe tomorrow.

  2. Busy, wet, plants to be set out, ( by the hundreds maybe) and a yummy dinner. Maybe you just trimmed some of those onions? shallots? chives? to add to the salad before Gary got them out and planted.

  3. Same here. The rain and humidity are awful. Duffy is beautiful. I love collies. We grew up with them and have so many wonderful dogs and great memories. Took my husband out Saturday to avoid the crowds.

  4. Don't complain to much about the heat, she cut your furs off
    Lily & Edward


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