Tuesday, May 23, 2017

On The UpSwing...

 A beautiful sunrise this morning.
 Chilly, but not for long.

 During the first part of the day we had these stinging black bugs all over the place.
The kind that bite you behind your ear and get so itchy you can't stand it.
The horses would not stay out on grass until late afternoon when a breeze kicked in.

 Before class I decided to start mowing the pastures.

 I had to cut some rhubarb (before class) and traded it for a loaf of 
Carina's bread and 2 bags of pizza dough.  Too late for a shower so I taught in my barn clothes.
 Class was jumpin' today.
 Welcomed two new people.  Pat (Grandmother) and Shawna (Granddaughter).
I did my usual and started off with contour line drawing.
 They both got it!

 After lunch I finished mowing the big pasture (golf course).

 The bugs must have been bothering the girls as two of them rolled in the mud.
 It was Town Board meeting night, but I stopped at Finn's game on the way.

 As good as they are, the other team outscored them.

 I had to stop at Wegmans after the Board meeting just as the sun was setting.

 It was dark when I got back to the farm and Gary had just stopped working on the brick walk he started yesterday.
 It's going to be gorgeous.
I sure appreciate feeling better and having some energy.
Hopefully "normal" will return sooner than later.
Night all.


  1. I'm glad to read you're feeling better. I have a pile of old historic bricks and was thinking of building a walkway. So I'm really interested in Gary's lovely walk. Do you get much snow? Will the bricks crumble if they get snow-covered?

  2. Ellie. Thanks for your comment. We get a lot of snow and these bricks have been piled up outside for years. My husband and I come from an area (Jamestown, NY) where many of the streets were made of bricks and they have been there for decades. I do not anticipate them crumbling at all. Do you have a blog?

  3. Glad you're feeling better. Your pastures look beautiful. We have some brick walkways and I really like them. Our only problem is the weeds coming up in between the cracks. I just spray them every year. Your walkway will be gorgeous when it's done.

  4. Lori,

    No, I don't have a blog. Sorry. I enjoy your blog.

  5. That is beautiful, the brick walk. Our summer pastures are over knee deep in some places. I hope to move some of our stock there this weekend.


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