Tuesday, May 9, 2017

More Sunshine! Yes!

 A very cold start to the day.

 After chores I picked a new bouquet of tulips for the kitchen table.  We must have over 200 and they are so beautiful this year.

 Class at 10:30.  Only 4 students today.
When Carina arrived with our bread order she treated us to some homemade croutons....
new on her menu.  Delicious.  We enjoyed them with a side of mango lemonade.


 and Little Wonder kept us company.

 As soon as everyone left I took the blankets off the horses.
 It was much warmer than this morning.

 (I can't walk by the tulips without taking a photo).

 Hot dogs, beans and coleslaw for dinner.  Picnic food....yum.
We ate a little early as I had a board meeting tonight.
 When I got back to the farm
 I did it again.
 More shots
 of the tulips.
 Now there is a fire going and I have to get out to the kitchen.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. The sunshine does make a difference! Gorgeous tulips. We had dogs and beans last night too. Ha, two great minds with a single thought.


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