Monday, May 8, 2017

Here Comes the Sun....

What a boost!
 Little by little the pond is going down.

 Jenny picked Steph up this morning so they could go for a walk....

 and I was finally able to mow the lawn.

 Our weeping crabapple trees are just about ready to pop.

I met the girls at Java for lunch...

 The place was packed and we ran into so many people we knew.
 On my way home I had to grab a shot of one of Pam's gardens
(where Karen lives)
 and another of the little park across the street from her house.
This is one of the pieces our Art & Aesthetics committee raised funds for and
Pam has been developing the garden over the past several years.
 At 3:30 Gary and Steph left for the airport.  She must be half way back to Las Vegas by now.
 When he returned we had leftovers for dinner.
We have another fire going's been chilly all day.
May get close to freezing by morning.
Yikes!  How will I heat up the Studio?????
Night all.


  1. Great pictures! Glad you got a little sun, it always makes us feel better doesn't it.

  2. Little Wonder you are getting so big. Hope it rains for your pond
    Lily & Edward

    1. Lily and Edward! It is not a real just gets that way when we have too much rain. We want it to disappear!! Everything in this area has been saturated and the height of Lake Ontario is flooding homes.

  3. Dear Lori, so many of your photographs of animals--horses, dogs, cats--have me smiling at the sheer wonder of animal companions. And of course, your photos of food always leave me salivating. Peace.

  4. Looks like spring has finally arrived.


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