Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Very Happening Day

Grey most of the day...again.

 This morning 3 men arrived to start tearing off the roof and Sophie was very curious when she heard them throwing the shingles etc. down on the ground.

 They will come back tomorrow to finish.
 And 10:30 I drove down to the Vets Club for a Memorial service hosted by Muesey (Town Board member).  There were trustees there from the Village of Brockport, The Town of Sweden and the Clarkson Board.  Very well represented!
 Last year it was so hot we were sweating...not the case today.
Fortunately it did not rain.
It was a very moving program...
 and I was very impressed with the S.A.L. Essay Contest Winner: Charlie Danielak,
whose topic was "Supporting Our Troops."
She is 17 years old and had quite a message.
 The Guest Speaker was Lt. Col Fletcher.
His vast experience gave us a very clear picture of what it is really like for those 
who serve our country.
 Susan S. was on the scene taking photos of the service.

 Once again, the High School band performed.
I can't tell you how pleased I am regarding the relationship
 that has developed with The Town and Village Boards.
 When Mary and I ran for Town Board, Annie ran for Town Supervisor and Rob won.
Today, all of us are working together for this community.  A very good sign.
 After the service, almost everyone supported the chicken BBQ being held at the club.
 Meanwhile back at the ranch, Gary continued to work on the walkway he started a couple of days ago.  It's going to look great.
 Last night we picked up onion starts (hundreds) when we were out at Ron and Ann's for dinner.
It is going to take some serious time to get them all planted...5 varieties.

 At 2 I decided to mow the lawn.  It was overdue as the rain did not allow me to do it before today.
 The garlic has grown like crazy....
 almost 3 feet high.

 I had chore duty tonight.  The sun finally made an appearance.

 At 6:30 we picked up our friend Helen (visiting her sister Andrea) at Glendarrach Farm as we were all going to the Braddock Bay Tavern and Grill to celebrate Topper Bott's birthday.

 We thought she would really enjoy the evening as the Dady Brothers were performing.
She is from Scotland and they do a lot of Celtic music.

 After dinner (could not take picture of all 14 meals)
the entire restaurant sang happy birthday to Topper.

 Roseanne (from our Sunday Jam Group) Mascari and her husband Nick were there and she was invited to join the Dady Brothers for a few songs.

 We sure had a great time!
 Night all.


  1. Garlic galore, and the bluebells or Scilla? beautiful when grown in a mass, what a birthday celebration, and the pathway, looking great, almost a quilt pattern in the pavers!!!

  2. Yet again you make me blush with how busy you are!

  3. You are one busy lady! I am enjoying keeping up with Gary's brickwalk. I have to admit, though,
    I always go away hungry when I read your blog! The food always looks so good! Are those bluebells?
    They're beautiful and I love the rosy coloured columbine, too. Well, have to go eat!

  4. What a busy day! I couldn't keep up with you. Everything looks great!


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