Thursday, April 27, 2017

Would You Believe 87????

What a day!

 Most of the fruit trees are now in full bloom.  Just two very young apple trees are trying to figure out if they are going to make it.

 This morning I went to a Department Head meeting at the Town Hall 
and did not get home until 12:30.

After lunch I went out to the south garden and picked our first rhubarb as I was making a pie.
 We were invited to dinner in Charlotte tonight and that's my contribution.

I got everything ready

 and forgot to take a photo of the finished product.

Tulips on the kitchen table the daffodils a rest.

 This afternoon
 was hot and

 Karen had evening chore duty and we left for Ed and Lisa's around 5:30.
 Ed is a woodworker (retired) and Lisa continues to work as a consultant part time.
She has a great sense of design, and together they have redone every room in their home
(which is across the street from Lake Ontario).
 They have a perfect little greenhouse attached to their home...
Gary would love that, so convenient!
 Ed has installed cherry floors in a couple of their rooms....gorgeous.

 To the left of the pool, there is a fenced in garden which is about to get organized
for the season.

 Ed has made many pieces of this coffee table
(and the table in the dining room).
 I can't believe I did not take a few shots of the kitchen!
A dream for anyone who loves to cook.
 We started off with a couple of great appetizers...

 and the meal that followed was perfect.
A salad with watermelon...
 corn on the cob...

 Grilled Del Monico steak...
 smashed/baked potatoes...
 and rhubarb pie for dessert.
Too bad I could not produce a clear photo.
A great evening, loved the tour and will return to visit the beach some sunny day.
Night all.

I've been thinking about Gucci as we lost her one year ago today.
She was such a sweet girl and is missed.


  1. One year, darling girl, where has that time gone. Your memories will always be present every day. Beautiful greenhouse, furniture and meal, a perfect way to end a day of memories, sadness, and happiness for Gucci and her time with you.

  2. Looks like a wonderful day. Still raining here but I would love to see some sunshine. I miss Gucci too. She was a sweetheart.

  3. What an amazing house! I remember when you lost Gucci :(

  4. I think the loss of a pet stays with us forever. They are such tremendous parts of our lives.


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