Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Get Ready For SANKOFA!

What a gorgeous day!
 My camera battery was dead so I didn't start taking photos until chores were over.

 Everywhere I looked, tulips were blooming.

 It looks like a couple of the girls found the ditch.
 I had a lunch meeting at Java and when I got home, did a little gardening and finished mowing around the pastures.
 Gary put up a frame in one of the raised beds and planted snow peas.  He also transplanted some strawberry plants.  Last season they spread all over the they are in rows.
 I was hungry for some, spaghetti and salad for dinner.  It really hit the spot.
 I took the pups out for a short romp

 and headed down to the college
 to do a photo shoot. 
 Tonight was the Sankofa dress rehearsal and every year I go to take photos.
 It was fabulous and I took over 40 videos along with the pictures.
As I have said before, every year they sell out.
Here is a mini preview.
 If you live nearby I hope you have tickets as it's a real treat.
Several of my drumming buddies were playing and they never stopped for most of the 2nd act.
Had to be pooped.
As usual, Kahlid was stellar.
Night all.


  1. Wow, it is hard to catch up with what you are doing! Busy as usual. Looks like spring has come to stay. We thought so also, but it is 34 here this morning with a sleet-ish rain come down. :(

  2. Gorgeous tulips! Looks like you had a good day with lots of activities and sunshine. It's been raining here for the past two days and spitting today. Sankofa looks like fun.

  3. Little Wonder did mom give you Miracle Grow. You got big BOL. Those flowers are so purrty
    Lily & Edward

  4. Dear Lori, it's been almost two years since I did blogging on any kind of a schedule. During that time, I missed your posting of food and horses and plants and places to go and see and friendship. I don't remember seeing photographs of dogs when I used to read your blog. What I remember are horses!

    I hope all is well. Peace.


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