Sunday, April 2, 2017

Vitamin D!

Ahah!  Today we not only had a beautiful sunrise,
the sun stuck with us all day long.

 As you can see, the mud is going to be with us for a long time.

 The girls were turned out with their blankets on
 and within half an hour they were naked.
 I would be so happy if they did not need them anymore.
Today it was in the 50s and tomorrow we may hit the 60s.
 Unfortunately, we are getting more rain tomorrow night.
The "pond" was half the size it was yesterday and I sure hope it does not fill up again. 

 Some friends came over late morning and the dogs could not wait for them to come
in the house.

 After they left I had just enough time to get down to our Sunday Jam.
 4 of our regulars were not going to be there and 3 of them ended up making it.
A very loyal crew.
 Jimmy (Pennywhistle) was soloing during "Wild Horses" and it fit in perfectly.

 After we finished I hurried over to the Baptist Church to listen to the tail end of a concert being presented by 3 different groups.  Gary and I used to sing with this chorus.
(Do you recognize Steve?  He is my newest art student and also happens to be a great singer).

My final stop was at Wegmans, where I grabbed a quick shot of this flower....
just because. 
For some reason I was hungry for macaroni salad and made a bowl before heading out to the barn for evening chores.  Only had to wear a vest and loved it.

A shedding blade had to be used on all 4 girls as they were full of mud.
That's ok.  I'm sure it felt good to roll.
 They were tucked in a little before 7 and the temperature in the barn was 50.

 The sun was starting to set as I was walking back to the house.
Boy, did we ever need a day like this.

 A very simple dinner.
 Panninis made with ham/swiss cheese/roasted red peppers.
Night all.


  1. Your Sunday jam with Jimmy's penny whistle is lovely. I wish we had someone who played like that in our ukulele group. Have a great week!

  2. lilysgrannie, I wish you could join us at our Sunday Jam. You would love it. I am still trying to start a ukulele group in addition to this one.

  3. Here hear mud is good for the skin
    Lily & Edward

  4. I love to see muddy ponies and naked ones too. Brushing the burrs out of pony's mane and getting mud off of his super long fur used to test my patience though!


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