Saturday, April 1, 2017

It Took All Day, But We Finally Saw Some Sunshine!

I hope the weather report for this coming week is on target as I 
am very sick of all the rain, mud and dreariness.
At least it was not raining.

 At 10am I had a much needed appointment with the Massage Therapist.
Hot stones!  Yes.
 On the way home I stopped at Jenny's, where Scott was ripping up her driveway.
 She and Gary were assisting.

 Scott is a pro with any piece of equipment and he did a great job today.
 It's a lot of work, but will be much improved once the concrete work is finished.
 After that I went to the bank and Wegmans....back at the farm around noon.

 I started a fire as soon as the groceries were put away...the raw cold was very penetrating.
We spent the afternoon relaxing.

 I had chore duty tonight and around 6:15 the sun finally showed up.
 The "pond" in the pasture actually started receding.
 All the girls were filthy and will need some serious grooming in the morning.

 When they were tucked in, I checked out the
 outdoor area and was happy to see that it too had started to drain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the low 50s and that is the coldest it
should be for the next week!
 While we were leaving the barn, Little Wonder positioned himself in a sun ray.
He must have wanted me to take his picture.

 Leftovers for dinner.

Night all.


  1. I'm with you on this weather - I wore socks to bed last night! :-)

    A busy day for you, and could Little Wonder be any cuter or sweeter in any light? I don't think so!

  2. I hope it starts drying up soon too. It's supposed to rain Tuesday and Thursday here. Yeah. Love LW in all the pictures but the rocking chair is priceless. I think he's a little ham.

  3. It's been a beautiful day - hope your guys stayed a little cleaner today!


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