Monday, March 13, 2017

There Is Something About March 13th....

Ya know how facebook posts memories from past years?  Well on this particular day of the month, we have had some outrageous weather.  Last year we had green grass.  In 2014 we had an absolute blizzard with 4 foot drifts and wild wind.  
This morning!  
Red skies and a storm watch!

 (This is what it looked like 3 years ago in this day)
 I am feeling a little better and managed to do chores with Gary's help.
It was pretty cold, but no wind for a change.

 Little Wonder stuck with us and Phoebe went back in the house.......again.
 Gary got a call to put in a few hours at Sara's Garden and Nursery (in the greenhouse) so while he was gone, the critters and I took it easy.
 Yesterday I made chicken and rice soup, so for dinner all I had to do was make BLT sandwiches
with Carina's outstanding bread.
 One of my very favorite sandwiches and so easy.
 We have been listening to the weather all day to see what is expected and there are many different opinions.  Anywhere from 18-24 inches of snow by tomorrow night.  Unfortunately, there are still nearly 8,000 people who still have no power in the Rochester area.  What a mess!
 Phoebe and Little Wonder
 worked very hard to keep me
 quiet and resting.
Such good little buddies!
 Night all.


  1. It's on its way here now!! Yikes! I love your blue willow china 😍 - Holly (Full of Beans)

  2. I hope you keep the power on, I saw many warnings, in the Finger Lakes area, and nearby. unless you have to go out, stay home, and " Be Prepared" with a long list of essentials. Phoebe and LW, so good to have at your side. Keep warm , slowly does it, as they say.

  3. Gorgeous!! We hear you have 2 feets of snow heading your way
    Lily & Edward

  4. Phoebe always has the best ideas...go inside and take it easy. Love her attitude. Try and rest for a while until you're 100%.

  5. Yikes, I hope you get through the storm. March 13th is a strange day for us also. Friday the 13th...2015 was when Rich came home and announced he had throat cancer.
    Things are thankfully quiet now.


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