Sunday, March 12, 2017


 Karen and Gary started chores and I went out to do a little stall cleaning.
Fresh air!  It felt good, even tho I was not up to snuff.
 I'm not able to lift more than 10 pounds so Gary takes care of buckets and anything heavy.

 Once again Little Wonder stayed outside with us
 while Phoebe found her spot on the couch.
 We were so lucky to have sunshine with these frigid temperatures.
 LW was more than happy to model for me when we got back in the house.
 He likes that portrait look when the spotlight is on him.
 Sidney spends much of the day keeping warm and usually ends up in Sally's chair...
except for this spot.

 In and and out.

 Gary drove me down to the Sunday Jam as I can't carry all my crapola.
We had a great session and spent the first hour talking, followed by many tunes...old and new.
My chair was right over a heat vent and I did not move for 3 hours.
It was good to have the distraction.

 I swear, this little boy asks to have his picture taken.

 Sid found his spot.  I had to put a blanket on the chair so he won't mess it up 
(he spends so much time there).

 Gary helped me with chores tonight and it was not too bad.  I think I'm making progress.

 I'm really going to love this daylight savings time.

 I even made dinner tonight.
A salad with pears, apples, walnuts and yellow raisins...
 Organic drumsticks (soy/balsamic vinaigrette/apricot jam and caramelized onions)...
 potato/turnip mashed.  Delish!
 Sunset through the curtains.
Night all.

This is what we had for dinner last night and I forgot to show you.
It's the only thing we could consider eating after having no power or decent meals.
Pasta/caramelized onions sauteed with 1 piece of diced bacon, Romano cheese, 
a little olive oil and butter.  That little bacon flavor added so much to the mix.


  1. Glad you are feeling stronger. Take it easy so you continue to heal.

  2. You are doing so incredibly well, I am amazed that you are venturing outdoors and to anything other than the bathroom and your bed!!! many years ago Hugh had a kidney stone, it was lodged, and after 6 days, it passed, He was in hospital for 6 days, and ill for many weeks later. Keep warm, rest often, and let all the crew, both 2 and 4 legged, help all they can. Heaps of best wishes from down here in NZ.

  3. Love the pictures of the gang. Sidney really knows how to relax no matter where he is. Glad you're feeling a little better but don't overdue it until you're 100%.


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