Sunday, March 19, 2017


 I am lovin' these milder temperatures and can't wait for all the snow to melt.
Of course that means mud....
 Gary, Karen and I were in the barn this morning so things were done in no time.

 Little Wonders loves not having to wear his jacket....

 and Phoebe still loves to go back in the house early.

 This afternoon our Sunday Jam group put on a free concert at 
The Lodge on the Canal.
 We had not performed in awhile and had a great time.
Keeping it loose sure eliminates any pressure.
Our leader, Tom, played a song out of the blue in honor of Chuck Berry and we had never played it before.  Proof that we can wing it!
I absolutely love playing with this group.  Music grabs every single one of us.

 By next week I should have more photos and some tunes to share.
 I got home around four and the sun was out.  Gary decided to go into Rochester to watch Finn play in a basketball tournament and the dogs and I
 did a little more Netflix binging in front of the fire.
(dicte - a Danish show....yes Holly, I like it a lot)

 I can't wait to get back out in the studio.  Hopefully sometime in April 
(tho it does not seem possible when I look out there today).

 (Here we are vegging)
 I had chore duty tonight and went out around 6:30 when the sun was starting to set.
Feeling the best I have felt in two weeks.

 I must say, Little Wonder has turned into a real farm dog!

Night all.


  1. And here I am hoping you will be taking life slowly as you recuperate. LW in the snow, what a super shot.

  2. The jam sounds like fun. Glad you're feeling better. The warmer temps are welcome here too.

  3. Vegging in front of the fire with LW seems like the perfect activity to me.

  4. Looks like you have recovered nicely! We've had March winds to dry some mud, but there is rain in the forecast. Looks like a fine day!


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