Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Reprieve From the Rain....

 I am so glad it didn't rain today!
 The windstorm we had knocked over a dead tree that was in the back pasture.  I have taken so many sunrise photos through it! 
Hopefully Gary will go after it with his chainsaw so we can clean up the area.
 As you can see, there is still a dumpster in the back 40 and I don't think anyone is living in the house yet.  That has turned into one long project.

 Our Sunday jam was fantastic today.  We must have played over 10 songs that
 I have never tried before.
 Several of us want to play more blues so we started off messing around.
Sara accommodated us with this....
She knows so many songs!
Doug, who is a production pro, gave us some very good tips on how to use a microphone correctly.
It really made a difference.

 Tom is a big fan of Eric Clapton and sang Layla.

We have a fundraiser coming up for Jimmy Foote's family on April 9th, so we are working on a lot of songs.
I had to stop at Wegmans on the way home and it was so late I picked up some sesame chicken for me and an $8 meal for Gary.  All I had to do was make some lomain and cooked carrots.

 Hanny, Bobbi and Ann are coming for lunch and bridge tomorrow.
After dinner I made a brownie "pie" for dessert.
 Chore duty tonight.  Still a muddy mess, but so much milder.

 Where's Phoebe?  In the house of course!

Night all.


  1. Already you have a lot longer daylight, yummy meal again, and all the friends happy outside or in.

  2. Sounds like a fun day! I was glad it didn't rain either like it was supposed to.

  3. I used to have a dog called Layla, I love that song very much!

  4. It looks and sounds like your week ended on a "good note" I hope your week is starting on just as good of one! -And you can't really beat those $8 meals from Wegmans that are perfect when you're short on time.


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