Thursday, January 12, 2017


The moon was still shining at 6:45 this morning.
 It was already 52 degrees.

 As soon as I got in the barn I took the Rambos off the girls.

 They loved being naked.

 The paddock and pastures are a muddy mess.  I can't imagine what it's like for my friends who have horses out in California...Annette and Sue.

 I spent a couple hours down at the Town Hall and by the time I got back to the farm it was raining.
Nice person that I am....put on my boots and went out to get the horses back in their stalls to dry off.  They did not feel the same way and would not come near me.  Instead they ran around the pastures and really dug them up.  Seeing that they did not want to go in, after 20 minutes I figured it was their choice and left them out.

 By late afternoon we had a few minutes of sunshine and the temperature was going down at a pretty fast clip.
 I had great intentions and ended up watching Obama's farewell to Biden.
It was very moving and filled with grace.
Joe Biden was in law school at Syracuse when I was in grad school and we ate
dinner in the same dining hall.  Such a decent human being.

It was every man for himself for dinner.  I had eggs and toast.
Night all.


  1. Yep, its muddy here too. We have chance of snow flurries until 10pm and then this storm is done. We will put the horses back out in their pastures before I go to work. And then Brett can work on the chicken pen. I have always liked Biden; interesting that you went to school together. You've rubbed elbows with some interesting people!

  2. It's a muddy mess here too. I'm guessing it will all freeze today though.

    I'm a big fan of Joe Biden. Such a classy guy and as you say a decent human being. He's had so much hardship in his personal life. This administration has shown class and grace under pressure. I admire them for it. Unfortunately, I think that we won't be seeing any more class or grace for quite a long time ...

  3. Our world warms up and then rains...then ices. Story of our winter.


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