Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Mild Break

 Last night was crazy around here as
we had high wind gusts up to nearly 60 mph.
Fortunately the sunrise was normal and it had stopped raining.

 Phoebe and Little Wonder were in and out all day long, enjoying the warmer weather
and lack of snow.

 No question about it....the sun really perks things up.

 After chores I went to Agape.
Much to my surprise I was able to do 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 on the bike and 18 on the tread mill.  I have been off the wagon for months, and need to start going regularly.

 What in the heck did I do all afternoon?
It was late before I started reading...
 and then we had leftovers....again.
This time rice and beans with a side salad.
That will teach me to make such a big batch of chili!
Now I am going to take it easy and read some more!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temps. We had 58 here today I couldn't believe it and it was sunny and not raining for a change which I'll take any time. I've been reading too. Good for you for getting in your exercise. I plan on starting again tomorrow. When it's so gray outside I just didn't have the motivation to do anything much.


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