Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lasagna 101...

We finally saw the sun again this morning.

 Little Wonder and Phoebe were out for a short time after I finished chores.
 Sidney has been spending more and more time inside.
He has a little house in each barn but seems to be happier where it is warm.
  I don't think he has been his normal self lately.

 Class at 10:30.
Helen and Tina brought cookies.  Really good cookies!
 Tina saw this sign in one of the local shops and got it for Shamra (who brings us eggs every week). 
She has a flock of these chickens.

 The cream colored ponies were delicious....so were the Russian Tea Cookies.
Carina made her bread delivery and will be making me 14 loaves of Challah bread for Christmas Eve.
 Whenever I am on my computer, LW
 and Phoebe keep me company.
  If Seymour is in the house, he hangs out with us too.
 By late afternoon the sun was out again in force.
I'd love to know if the horses were really finding grass.

 Gary brought the rest of his garlic in from the barn.  I'm surprised that it was in such good shape.
 After taking an afternoon snooze, I made lasagna.
The sauce was made before I got comfortable.
 I mixed ricotta cheese, two eggs and some Romano cheese together and threw in some 
parsley, basil and fresh ground pepper.
 Prepared an entire box of noodles....
 then started putting it together.
Sauce, noodles, sauce, ricotta cheese, spinach, noodles, sauce....blah blah blah.

 I almost forgot the mozzarella.
 Topped it with Romano cheese and near the end, added a light layer of grated mozzarella.
 There was enough for two containers.
A glass loaf pan (which we ate for dinner)
 and another huge one that we will have on Thursday with Jenny, Scott and the boys.
 So good.

 Night all.


  1. The cookies look delicious! I'm trying to stay away from them until Christmas but I'm not succeeding!

  2. Lasagne is one of Brett's all time favorites.


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