Monday, December 19, 2016

Doggone It!

The lack of wind made a big difference this morning.
Even tho it was very cold.....
If you could only see my entire barn ensemble!
I still think it would be a great idea to create a calendar showing photos
of my horsey pals in their winter barn outfits.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder stayed in the house while I did chores.

 This was my exit.  A full wheelbarrow and a sled with empty gallon jugs (hot water), beet pulp for tomorrow morning and a bunch of plastic bags (I put cut up apples in them).
 By mid morning the sun came out and the light was great for picture taking.

Eventually it was a little warmer, so the pups and I took a short break outside.

 Late afternoon I ran a few errands and the sun was setting on my way home....beautiful.

 Dinner was simple.  Vegetable/barley soup
 and a spinach salad.
Rolls by Carina.

Night all.


  1. You look warm but LW looks warmer on the bed!

  2. Oh, I love the Barn Garb idea. But you must post the photos here too. It's fun to see what people in different parts of the country wear!
    My blog isn't active anymore but if you want email addresses mine is
    intheozone at midrivers dot com and you must be sure to include the "o" in ozone.
    I love your blog and your photos!

  3. Nice photos.. I like the way you are warm and nice. thank you for sharing

    1. Rose. Thank you so much for your very kind comment. I look forward to seeing your blog.

  4. Nice to see LW growing and thriving. Looks cold with your snow. Vegetable soup on the menu for us as well.


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