Thursday, November 24, 2016


It rained all day.
Morning chores and evening chores.
 Gary worked on the upstairs and got rid of the brussels sprout remains,
while I started on our dinner.

 In between I watched the Dog Show and would love to have taken a long nap.
I had evening chore duty and the dogs went out with me.

 It was almost dark when I got back in the house.
 I took a shower and got into full gear.
The food was under control and the house was set for our dinner guests.

 We had a nice fire going all day long.
 Little Wonder wanted to play fetch, but I was pretty busy.

 Could not resist taking this picture.  What do you think it is?
 It was the gravy after adding and stirring the sour cream.
 Donna arrived at 6 and brought along a great appetizer.  Under that turkey was an amazing spread....figs and olives topped with bacon over cream cheese.  Different and delish.
 Jenny was made part of challenge to do 22 push ups for 22 days and she had to pass the challenge on.  Who did she pick?  Her Dad!  Finn, Coop, Jenny, Scott and Gary got down on the floor before we ate and collectively did a LOT of them.


I had set the table yesterday and by 6:30 it was filled with all kinds of great food.
Jenny made a salad with pears and craisins.
 I made squash, brussels sprouts and
dry stuffing along with
 the turkey and
 cranberry orange relish.
Fresh rolls were baked by Carina and the boys loved them.

 It was quite a feast.

 Cooper was not going to be happy until he had a cupcake!
 After we cleared the table and put all the food away, he took it upon himself to set things up for dessert and took pictures of everything.
In addition to the cupcakes, we had pumpkin pie, pecan pie, cherry pie and a pumpkin roll.
(Jenny made everything but the pumpkin roll).

 An absolute "pig out."
Fortunately most of the remaining desserts went back to Jen's house.
The dinner met our expectations and we are now good for another year!
 Little Wonder (he and Phoebe had turkey with their dinner) could not understand why he wasn't allowed to have any of the desserts.
I hope you all had a warm and tasty Thanksgiving.
Turkey sandwiches tomorrow!
Night all.


  1. Looks like a great dinner! The next day leftovers are always good. LW is adorable!

  2. Oh wow, it all looks so inviting, toasty warm and festive. The food looks delicious. Glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lori. Little Wonder is too precious.

  3. Looks fabulous!! I'll bet the sour cream in the gravy is really good! I've done cream some years but never tried sour cream! So glad you had such a nice holiday! Your house looks like such a warm and inviting place to celebrate!


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