Monday, November 7, 2016


Such a gorgeous day!

 After chores I made myself go down to Agape.
20 min.elliptical/20 min. bike/10 treadmill.
  After lunch, Phoebe and Little Wonder took a break with me.

Eventually it was time to get the lead out, so I took the pups out for awhile and then started mowing the lawn.

 I did not quite finish before it got dark.  Tomorrow is another day.

 Gary spent the afternoon with Finn and Coop.
He got back to the farm just in time for dinner.
 Salad, squash and apple soup
 with some toasted bread.
 My kind of dinner.
Night all.
I hope you all plan to vote tomorrow.


  1. Voting,I'm so sure that you'll be so glad when this election is over. Your TV coverage will be way more substantial than what we get down here, but it has taken over a lot of normal TV time. Two of our reporters are there right now, Jack Tame ( who was in Philadelphia earlier today our time ) and Corin Dann ( in New York) . On a brighter note, those glads are so beautiful, lawns will still be there, and with daylight saving, there will be one more hour of daylight in every morning!! Where does the "saving" come into that equation?

  2. Count me in I will definitely be there early to cast my vote.

  3. That golden maple is so striking against the grey-blue barn! Love it!


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