Thursday, November 10, 2016

Harnessed Energy..

 Sophie is always waiting on the porch when I let the dogs out in the morning.
 They can't wait to come back in for breakfast.
 Lots of activity in the sky.

 It was pretty cold when we went out to the barn, 
so Phoebe found a patch of sun in the front paddock.
 Little Wonder thought that was a good idea....but he also spent part of the time with me while I cleaned the stalls.

 On the way back to the house they checked out the leaf pile.
 I had to scrub off a couple of medium Rambos before I put them in the washing machine.  We are going to need them pretty soon.
 Around 11 I had to run a few errands and took the pups with me.
 They now have matching harnesses and are wearing the same size!

 When I go to Tractor supply I get a big cart for the grain.  Phoebe is always great and LW is learning to walk properly and stay out of the way.  A good opportunity for a little schooling.

 I had to run into Wegmans for a couple of items.  Look who was waiting to greet me when I opened up the back gate.  It so reminded me of Gucci.
 They were happy to get back to the farm.

 I had a burst of domestic energy and decided to make some bean salad.

 6 kinds of beans, onions, cooked carrots and diced pepper.
 The dressing - oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper.  Heavy on the vinegar!
 As for dinner....we had breakfast.
Night all.


  1. Was a little chilly here today too. I have to say I think you have the two most adorable dogs. They have the cutest faces and expressions.

  2. The dogs in their harnesses are just too cute!

  3. As your mornings get colder, we are warming up, summer clothes are ready, and fires are a thing of the past ( I hope), We can always have a late cold snap, I see snow is forecast for the South Island this weekend.Beautiful trails in the morning sky.

  4. What a good day - The warmth of the sun this time of year always feels good this time of year, and a trip to Wegmans and TSC is always an added bonus. What fun for "the kids" too! :-)

  5. That leaf pile was incredible! Do you use it for mulch? Love the pups, they are looking fantastic.


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