Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Early To Bed....

 I stayed up until 3am watching the election results.  Needless to say, I was not too 
ambitious today.
 It was raining when I went out to the barn.  
The girls did not care and went straight out to the pasture.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder didn't mind either and stayed in the front paddock most of the time.
 Late morning the DPW dropped off a second dump truck of leaves.

It will take many trips with a wheelbarrow to move two piles this big.

I was most happy to start a fire and veg.
 Just before sunset Gary said he wanted to go out for dinner, so I took a shower and we were off.
 When it was dark, the dogs had a chance to check out all the leaves.

 Seymour always joins us.

 Afterward, they all came into the house for some play time.

Just too tired to have taken a lot of photos today.
That will teach me to stay up that late!
Night all.

I can't tell you how glad I am to have all this election insanity overwith,
as it has been grabbing too much of my attention.
Although I was hoping for a different outcome, 
the people have spoken and now we need to see how it all plays out.
I thought the speeches today by Kaine, Hillary and Obama were full of grace 
and I applaud them.  Hopefully there will be some diplomacy shown during the 
next four years.


  1. I agree with you that the speeches had a lot of class and grace. Let's hope others can take a page from their books. Not the outcome I was hoping for either. The people have spoken and I hope they don't regret their choice. Just watched a video of the Russian parliament applauding the Americans choice.

  2. I am sure the election result will have repercussions down here , ( and your way too), already happening with the share market last night. Being gracious in defeat is the most important, in my eyes. And Hillary was. Let the wee doggies, cats, and horses maintain an even keel in all your lives.

  3. Hi Lori, we here in South Africa were shattered by the results. They affect the whole world. Let's hope he shows us a different face than in the run-up to the elections. Have a great day. Jo


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