Monday, September 5, 2016

Sandy Harbor

Another full day of perfect weather.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder followed Karen over to the indoor this morning and did a little exploring.

 At 11 we decided it was Just the right kind of day to head out to the beach 
and the dogs went with us.

 I called ahead to order a couple of spinach salads from Krony's and we picked them up on the way.
 When we arrived at Sandy Harbor, Carol and Topper were there...

 After eating lunch on the deck

we headed for the water.  It was extremely clear.

 Both dogs were on leashes and it was one tangle after another.
They were willing to go in the water and Little Wonder was actually swimming for a few seconds.
 When he got out he rolled in the sand.

 We met a couple of dogs and many people of all ages.

 We got home a little after 2 and naps sounded like a good option.

 We had a very simple dinner.  I sliced the leftover country ribs and created open face sandwiches by adding some homemade BBQ sauce, topping with cheese and sliding them under the broiler.
Heated up the fried green tomatoes and topped them with corn salad.
 Never did get a nap in.
Night all.


  1. Little Wonder seems to like the water!

  2. Oh boy you guys had some fun adventures. You better keep a good eye on that little squirt
    Lily & Edward

  3. What a great day! Love the new header photo. And how cute are both dogs looking out the window, that's priceless.


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