Sunday, September 4, 2016

More Beautiful Weather

 See this camera?  It's just like my current one except it's got a 10X zoom.  I had it for about 3 weeks and it disappeared over 6 months ago.  On Friday, Little Wonder was pulling on a black string that was sticking out from the back of a chair and voila!  There it was.  
Still charged and ready to go.  I'm all set now!!!!!
 Karen and I did chores this morning.
The puppy was not crated at all, as he was quite entertained by our stall cleaning and the horses were out in the pasture.

 After a quick shower I grabbed my ukulele, music and stand and drove down to the village
as our Sunday Jam group (the Buskers) was providing entertainment at the farm market.
Carol and Topper were there checking things out before going on a bike ride along the canal.

 I got home by 12:30 and Gary was down at the Welcome Center for his Sunday shift.

 We gave Sara some green tomatoes yesterday so she could fry them and it got me motivated to make them for dinner tonight.

 Do you ever put Russian Dressing on your fried green tomatoes?
 Gary grilled country ribs
 and we were in the mood for a little side of white spags.
Kind of a weird combo, but it tasted great.
 The dogs spent a good amount of time outside today...Seymour joined in.

 Tonight Little Wonder had to go in his crate because the horses were too close for comfort.
I must say that he is very good about it. 

 Gary finally moved the rest of the mulch pile.  This garden looks much better.

It sure got dark early.
Night all.


  1. I had to chuckle at Little Wonder finding your camera -- Because I'm sure this won't be the last time he finds a "treasure!" :-)

    Glad you enjoyed your day that once again ended with a delicious meal! --I've never tried Russian dressing on fried green tomatoes, but it sounds like a good combination!

  2. LW is so damn cute! He seems like he's staying pretty small. I love my fried green tomatoes with a sauce of mayo+a little red wine vinegar+and Old Bay seasoning. So good! And a little extra black pepper. I think I need to make some tomorrow actually...

  3. How wonderful that LW found your camera! I guess he was meant to come there and help out!
    I've never had fried green tomatoes. Perhaps I should try it!

  4. Nice that LW found your camera! He looks like a keeper!

  5. Puppies are so curious and get into a lot of things. Glad he found your camera! And just in time to take some adorable pics of him and the gang.

  6. You are the only one I know that could MAKE money from getting a dog :-D. Good boy!


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